wns millions of Internet users worldwide personal accounts on social networking sites.
It is believed some interested that it was time to open accounts for pets.
Has launched the UK's first social network geared to unite the animals and their owners from all over the world.
Site is not uncommon "My Social Petwork" allowed to open two accounts, one for pet owners and the other
Animal. And on the profile page of the user can download images and videos for cats and dogs, parrots and other pets.
And site management constantly monitors photos uploaded to the social network, and choose the best for display on the main page of the site.
Add to that website design focuses on the visual content. And charitable organizations intend to use the site to find homes
Pet loose in the streets.
There is also interest from companies advertising, where the site that offers the possibility of placing ads targeting owners
Recall that there is in the United Kingdom is currently about 16 million dogs and never had.