Trans Union is one of the “Big Three” major credit reporting bureaus which are commonly used by insurers and lenders to obtain information on their applicants credit history. Based in Chicago, Illinois – TransUnion in 1968 by Union Car Company. As of 2006 it operates more than 200 offices across the country, and around the world.
Trans Union, much like the other two big credit reporting agencies (Equifax and Experian), now market their credit reports directly to consumers, in addition to their core business of providing the reports to potential creditors. Which is good news for consumers, because now anyone can view their credit report as a potential lender would see it.
What is an Trans Union Credit Report?
A Trans Union Credit Report is a compilation of credit reporting data from many sources. It can be delivered instantly online after your identity is confirmed, and you also have the option of printing it out if needed. You can also get your Trans Union Credit Score (FICO Score) along with your report.
Is a Trans Union Credit Report the same as the others?
In many ways, yes it is very similar, but not exactly the same. Lenders don’t always report to all three major credit bureaus. Some only report your payment history and balances to one or two of the major bureaus, so it is important to check all three agencies to thoroughly review your credit history, and to check for errors or signs of identity theft in your credit report. Your report from each of the “Big Three” bureaus will usually differ slightly.