جزيرة أسكتلندية تعرض للبيع بـ4 ملايين دولار

Offered a small island located on the northwest coast of Scotland for sale for 2.5 million pounds, the equivalent of about $ 4 million.

The Guardian newspaper on Monday that Moore Tanera Island with an area of ​​800 acres, is the largest of its kind offered for sale after residents refused to buy.

She added that the island - the only inhabited in the archipelago of islands summer - run by Richard Williams and his wife, Lizzie, after Asthoma from family bought in 1996 and established a farm for breeding cattle and plants for dairy, and want to now grant this privilege to someone else "Looking for an amazing place."

The newspaper quoted Lisi as saying that the time has come for someone else is responsible for care of this amazing place.

Lizzie added they learn the reasons for the reluctance of the local community to consider seizing the opportunity to buy the island, but hopes that it owned in the future enjoy the warm and cooperative relationship itself which has enjoyed with its population over the past 17 years.

The newspaper pointed out that the real estate company which is responsible for selling the island Scots described Tanera the the Moore as a political site prosperous and Apartments Great for families, because they contain a 9 residential properties and a cafe, a post office and a 3 berths freely, compared to 2.5 million pounds.

Child drank 20 liters of water a day.

British children suffer at the age of four rae
  symptoms make it in a state of constant thirst and drink 20 liters of water every day because of a rare kidney disease, which made his family feel sad.

The Daily Mirror newspaper said that Dominic Webster waited four years to enable doctors to diagnose his condition, to confirm that he was suffering from symptoms of the so-called diabetes insipidus renal origin, which affects only one in every 25 thousand people in the United Kingdom.

She added that the renal disease rarely make the child Dominique carousing in the consumption of water and drink 20 liters of it at least every day to quench its thirst raging, it forced him to follow a diet low in salt and was the cause of his suffering when he was a baby fever unexplained vomiting and headache.

According to the same newspaper, the College of Dominique left operating at only 10%, making it the reviewing doctors every six weeks, noting that it had conducted several operations before and may need to process a new kidney transplant when he grows up.
And crossed Dominic's mother (28 years) for her grief because her son will not be able to live a normal life, pointing out that he underwent a strict diet low in salt, sugar and protein.

Researchers are developing an application to measure happiness

Developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge, the British application to measure happiness, by combining data smartphones and the mood of its users.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (me. Me. C) on Wednesday that the application that the researchers called "Sense Sensibility", combines information from smart phone users around the bustling environment and people who contact them, and then compares them to the mood of the situation of the users.
The source explained that the application is part of a project to learn ways in which they can use mobile phones to improve the overall health and well-being.
The researchers believe in the computer lab at the University of Cambridge that their experience is the first in which they are collecting data users with information on their phones.
And attributed body to the administrator about the experience of Professor Jason Rantafro from the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge, saying it aims to use a more flexible approach than just look at the emotions in terms of the feeling of happiness, sadness, anger or feeling neutral, to collect data that show how different temperaments among the people.
The Rantafro considered that this experience quite unique through the system, which was designed to measure happiness, which will help to understand how people perceive things, and how their behavior in reality.
The University of Cambridge researchers requires the smart phone users to provide their consent in advance, before you use their data to measure the degree of happiness they have.

Auction to sell the most expensive book in history at $ 30 million

Sotheby's auction house said today it plans to offer one of the 11 remaining copies of the first book printed in
  America at auction

 Public later this year, is expected to fetch up to $ 30 million, making it the most expensive book in history. According to the Reuters news agency.

The book was printed (Psalms Gulf) The Bay Psalm in 1640 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The church sells

 Ancient Old South Church in Boston this book to finance some repairs and renovations of the building and support قساوستها.

The church has a second copy of the book while owns the universities of Harvard and Yale and other institutions other copies.

This is the first copy of the book offered for sale since 1947 when he scored a record price for books amounted to 151 thousand dollars. The estimated

 Sotheby's copy of the book to be sold at between 15 million and $ 30 million in Mzadeha being built in New York on 26 November.

He described David ريدين head of Sotheby's books in this book as a "mythic rare" saying that he "embodies the values ​​that have arisen

 The nation is political freedom and religious freedom. "

It is scheduled to display the book at Sotheby's in New York from Friday through Sunday before being presented in Philadelphia and Chicago

 , Los Angeles and Dallas in the coming months


Launch of the first "Facebook" for animals in the United Kingdom

wns millions of Internet users worldwide personal accounts on social networking sites.

 It is believed some interested that it was time to open accounts for pets.

Has launched the UK's first social network geared to unite the animals and their owners from all over the world.

Site is not uncommon "My Social Petwork" allowed to open two accounts, one for pet owners and the other

 Animal. And on the profile page of the user can download images and videos for cats and dogs, parrots and other pets.

And site management constantly monitors photos uploaded to the social network, and choose the best for display on the main page of the site.

Add to that website design focuses on the visual content. And charitable organizations intend to use the site to find homes

Pet loose in the streets.

There is also interest from companies advertising, where the site that offers the possibility of placing ads targeting owners


Recall that there is in the United Kingdom is currently about 16 million dogs and never had.


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