Online Banking System Security

In Internet banking as with traditional banking methods, security is a primary concern. At River Falls State Bank we have taken every precaution necessary to be sure your information is transmitted safely and securely. The latest methods in Internet banking system security are used to increase and monitor the integrity and security of the system.
The security of the River Falls State Bank Internet banking application is addressed at three levels. The first concern is the security of customer information as it is sent from the customer’s PC to the Web server. The second area concerns the security of the environment in which the Internet banking server and customer information database reside. Finally, security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized users from attempting to log into the online banking section of the Web site.
Data security between the customer browser and our Web server is handled through a security protocol called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL provides data encryption, server authentication, and message integrity for a Internet connection. In addition, SSL provides a security “handshake” that is used to initiate the connection. This handshake results in the client and server agreeing on the level of security they will use and fulfills any authentication requirements for the connection. Currently River Falls State Bank’s online banking application supports data encryption at the highest level (128 bit). In order to get this level of encryption, you will need a browser that supports it. Both versions 3 and 4 of the most popular browsers support 40-bit encryption as a default, and have complete versions as well as patches that will support the stronger 128-bit encryption. Check with your browser manufacturer’s website for more information.
Requests for online banking information are passed on from the Web server to the Internet banking server. The Internet banking application is designed using a three-tiered architecture. The three-tiered architecture provides a double firewall, completely isolating the Web server from the customer information SQL database.
The World Wide Web interface receives SSL input and sends requests through a firewall over a dedicated private network to the Internet banking server. The World Wide Web interface is the only process capable of communicating through the firewall to the Internet banking server. Therefore, only authenticated requests communicate with the Internet banking server.
The customer information database is housed on a Microsoft SQL Server, which implements Microsoft NT security in addition to the firewall technology. The customer database is stored on a RAID-5 drive array, which provides uninterruptible data access, even in the event of a hard drive failure. Just as the World Wide Web interface is the only process capable of communicating with the Internet banking server, the Internet banking server is the only process able to send requests to the SQL database. Thus, the outside world is removed from the customer database by two dedicated private networks.
A security analyzer constantly monitors login attempts and recognizes failures that could indicate a possible unauthorized attempt to log into an account. When such trends are observed, steps will be taken automatically to prevent that account from being used.
Security concerns have been addressed from every angle within the architecture of the Internet banking application. Implementation of the SSL security protocol on the Web server and customer browser ensures authenticated data has been received from the customer. The three-tiered approach of the Internet banking application creates a double firewall which performs information requests over dedicated networks designed to handle specific functions. Placing all business logic and event logging within the Internet banking server creates a controlled environment which allows quick incorporation of Internet security technologies as they evolve. Finally, the security analyzer monitors login attempts in order to prevent unauthorized

The Dermeo System is designed and made in France. The equipment has certification in Europe and Canada and the USA by the FDA

The Dermeo System is designed and made in France. The equipment has certification in Europe and Canada and the USA by the FDA
DERMEO has been at the forefront of innovation for over 10 years and has become the first French manufacturer of intense pulsed light devices issued with a medical certification. It also possesses the latest technological advances which produce the best results. At the forefront of an evolutionary innovation, DERMEO has both technical and clinical expertise.
The water cooled lamp cartridge is directly interchangeable by users in only 10 seconds.
The ESTHEFLASH 3 system is a pulsed light device for professionals in the aesthetic sector.
With a maximum power of 20J/cm� of light output over a surface of 8.25cm�, it allows hair removal on light and darker skin as well as skin rejuvenation treatments for the face and the body.
The MEDIFLASH 3 system is for aesthetic and dermatological treatments. It allows for  treat ment of acne, pigmented and vascular lesions, as well as hair removal and skin rejuvenation, where the power must be combined with expertise and diagnostics.
Offering a maximum power of 40J/cm�, it is the only French device which carries the prestigious CE medical label for the class IIb.
The Dermeo system uses a water-cooled pulsed light cartridge that can deliver 60,000 flashes of up to 40 J/CM�. A range of 6 filters is available for different treatments:
AR 420 – 1200nm for acne treatment
VR 515 � 1200nm for vascular lesion treatment
VR dual band 500-600 and 870-1200nm for vascular lesion treatment
SR 535 � 1200nm for skin rejuvenation
PL 550 � 1200nm for pigmented lesion treatment
HR 620 � 1200nm for light skin hair removal
DS 690 � 1200nm for dark skin hair removal
Features of the Dermeo equipment
Disposable cartridge containing the lamp, reducing maintenance
Water-cooled lamp, increasing security by eliminating the infrared radiance responsible for burns and decreasing the heat in the lamp
One square pulse for controlled and immediately available power source ensuring efficient and lasting results
Multi-pulse mode for more comfort and security in the treatment of dark, sun-tanned skins, and skin types up to phototype 5
Several models of quick connector cables adapted to different needs
Interchangeable crystals: large crystals (8.25cm�) and smaller crystals (2.25cm�), allow increased manoeuvrability.
Used for hair removal, skin rejuvenation, treating pigmented leasions, vascular treatments and acne,
the innovative Dermeo Pulsed Light system can offer a valuable additional revenue stream to practices.

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